London Anchor Institutions’ Network (LAIN)


Association of Colleges




Capital City College


Diocese of London


Film London


Greater London Authority


London Chamber of Commerce and Industry


London City Airport


London Councils


London Fire Brigade


London Jewish Forum


Metropolitan Police Service


Muslim Council of Britain


Newham College


NHS London


Old Oak and Royal Park Development Corporation


Thames Water


Trades Union and Congress


Transport for London


University College London


University College London


University of East London


University of London


Waltham Forest College

* Association of Colleges * BusinessLDN * Capital City College * Diocese of London * Film London * Greater London Authority * London Chamber of Commerce and Industry * London City Airport * London Councils * London Fire Brigade * London Jewish Forum * Metropolitan Police Service * Muslim Council of Britain * Newham College * NHS London * Old Oak and Royal Park Development Corporation * Thames Water * Trades Union and Congress * Transport for London * University College London * University College London * University of East London * University of London * Waltham Forest College

The scale of the challenges we face calls for new solutions and approaches.

By working together we can achieve a greater impact than working alone and create the social and economic conditions we need to thrive.

The London Anchor Institutions’ Network (LAIN) brings together some of the capital’s biggest organisations, who are working collaboratively to address long-standing social and economic inequalities and the growing climate emergency.

In March 2021, our founding “anchor” organisations signed London’s first ever city-wide Anchor Institutions’ Charter. With significant presence and influence in the city, our signatories pledged to leverage their procurement, recruitment, and estate management capacity to support Londoners most impacted by the pandemic, and to ensure a green recovery. 

The importance of our work as anchor institutions extends well beyond the immediate post-pandemic era and is as relevant now as when we began.

What is an ‘anchor’?

Anchors institutions are large well-resourced organisations that are rooted in place long-term.

What is the ‘anchor philosophy’?

Through the strategic and intentional management of their sizeable estates, workforces and annual budgets, anchor institutions are uniquely positioned to benefit their local economies and address inequalities.

London Anchor Institutions’ Network Members

  • Association of Colleges

  • BusinessLDN

  • Capital City College Group

  • Diocese of London

  • Film London

  • Greater London Authority

  • London Chamber of Commerce and Industry

  • London City Airport

  • London Councils

  • London Fire Brigade

  • London Jewish Forum

  • Metropolitan Police Service

  • Muslim Council of Britain

  • Newham College

  • NHS London

  • Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation

  • Thames Water

  • The Trades Union Congress (London, East & South East)

  • Transport for London

  • University of London

  • University College London

  • Waltham Forest College

Get involved

Progress your organisation’s anchor mission with the tools, strategies, case studies and practical resources you need

  • Demonstrate your leadership - Ensure London remains a successful, vibrant, global city by signing the charter and announcing your public commitments

  • Expand your Network - Collaborate with peers on shared challenges, attend networking events and access resources in our members library

  • Future proof your organisation - Demonstrate best practice to employees; attract and retain diverse talent; diversify your supply chains

  • Promote and share your achievements - Share your work in blogs and case studies, our newsletter, social media channels and our annual conference

If you are interested in the London Anchor Institutions' Network please send us a message and a member of the team will get back to you.