Environmental Impact

The growing urgency of the climate emergency underscores the critical need to secure a green recovery. To support London’s net-zero carbon goals, efforts focus on reducing emissions across estates, fostering green skills, and identifying actionable opportunities to progress decarbonisation. These initiatives include providing strategic inputs to London’s net-zero pipeline, and shaping a more sustainable future.


  • Decarbonise estates and buildings.

  • Decarbonise fleets, and deliveries.

  • Accelerate renewable energy transitions.

  • Ensure decarbonisation workforce viability.

  • Track decarbonisation across the city.


  • The amount of carbon dioxide (scopes 1 & 2) that has been saved through LAIN members’ carbon reduction activities. That’s equivalent to the electricity consumption of 68,250 average households for a year.  

  • The number of employees that have received carbon literacy or environmental sustainability training creating greener thinking workforces.

  • The amount of money that’s been invested into decarbonisation efforts in the city, to date.

  • The number of buildings across LAIN members’ estates identified to undergo energy saving retrofits.

Individuals Trained in Carbon Literacy and sustainability

The chart below indicates a year on year increase in the number of employees within LAIN members who have receiving training in carbon literacy and sustainability.